Roads of Success Humanitarian Intervention is Expanding

The scope and significance of Roads of Success humanitarian intervention is expanding. 

In Egypt, our vision was to educate the thriving local communities’ residents life skills in order to help them develop outcomes for their own personal lives. Consequently, they can have an impact on their local business, local economy and local communities. Since improvements in skills boost growth and lift productivity, English and sewing courses were offered, as well as teaching vulnerable people practical skills that will allow them to become financially independent. 

In rural Damascus, Syria, our hearts were shattered for the traumatized people and kids. We could feel their pain, intense shock, fear, confusion, shame, anger, conflicting emotions and feelings of guilt. Therefore, we wanted to bring them joy and happiness through distributing clothes and toys. Being able to get back to normal is so important after experiencing trauma, so we are excited to share that ISIS survivors in Iraq were treated to a day out at a mall with our partners, Light of Life Ministry. 

All these amazing achievements would not be possible without your support, and for that we sincerely thank you. Our motto is, “We connect the people who have needs with the people who have hearts,” and we feel so blessed that you have opened your heart to our cause.

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