Serving Displaced Refugees around the World

About Us


We are men and women who believe that healing in the Middle East is real, tangible, and possible. We seek to bring hope and change to dark places.

Our Story: 

Roads Of Success (ROS) is a Southern California 501(c)(3) non-profit organization striving to advance human rights in the Middle East and advance the quality of life for people both locally and internationally.  Back in 2007, our Egyptian-American mother-daughter duo, Yvette and Jacqueline Isaac saw the devastation in Syria and Jordan first hand due to the refugee crisis and it broke their hearts. It simply started with them renting a U-Haul truck and driving throughout Southern California to gather supplies to send back to refugee camps in Jordan. Through partnership with the Prince of Jordan, along with contacting any and every political and humanitarian connection they knew, Yvette and Jacqueline were able to send over their first container shipment to serve Syrian refugees in Jordan.

Our mission:

To empower vulnerable individuals globally through transformative love in action, our mission encompasses a diverse range of activities. From humanitarian initiatives that provide essential resources, healthcare and sustainable development to advocacy efforts championing the rights of the vulnerable, our commitment extends to mission trips, awareness campaigns, and media engagements. By integrating these multifaceted approaches, we strive to uplift communities, foster resilience, and instill lasting positive change in the lives of those in need. Our dedication to compassionate service ensures that every activity reflects our commitment to promoting dignity and hope.

Our vision:

Empowering vulnerable people through transformative love in action globally.

Financial Credibility:

As a non-profit organization, we rely on private funding, not political money. We always seek to commit support to the long-term affects and needs of the people and countries we serve. We do our best to spend the donations we receive this way to benefit individuals now and in the future. Below you will find our most recent audit reports and reviews.

Click here to view our 2017 and 2018 Audit Reports.

Click here to view our 2019  Financial Statements ROS.

Click here to view our 2020 Financial Statements ROS.

Click here to view our 2021 Financial Statements ROS.

Click here to view our 2022 Financial Statements ROS

Click here to view our 2023 Financial Statements for ROS.




pdf-iconCheck our 2019’s INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT


Meet our


Jacqueline Isaac
Vice President

“Activate your dream and display to the world that light radiates and breaks through the darkness.”
Jacqueline Isaac is a human rights advocate, a humanitarian, lawyer, and motivational speaker. She is currently Vice President of Roads of Success (ROS) and has spent over a decade supporting those escaping crisis and advocating for the rights of youth and women across the Middle East. She has been featured on BBC, NBC, FOX, ABC, the Guardian, Huffington Post, and other international media outlets.

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Jacqueline Isaac
Vice President

Jacqueline Isaac started studying at Vanguard University in California at age sixteen and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Minor in Business Administration. She then went on to study at Oxford University. Isaac has obtained a Juris Doctor from the University of San Diego School of Law and uses her educational background to impact the lives of hundreds of thousands around the world.

After graduating, she traveled throughout rural areas of Egypt to create a short documentary and project to clear up traditional misconceptions about female genital mutilation in efforts to reduce their occurrences. Though Isaac was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, she and her family then moved to Egypt when she was a teenager. She shares that she feels responsible to support people like with stories like those she grew up within the Middle East as they fight for basic rights and human dignity towards a better future.

Isaac recently testified before the United Nations, UK Parliament and U.S. Congress her experiences in the war-torn parts of Iraq, supporting resolutions supporting resolutions to protect victims of war and acts of terror. Her focus has been on issues such as the refugee crisis, sex trafficking, female genital mutilation, and HIV/Aids.

Yvette Isaac

Dr. Yvette Elbayadi Isaac is an educator, visionary speaker, author, entrepreneur, and television host. Since 2007, she has been the General Director and President of Roads of Success (ROS), a non-profit organization in the United States. Besides producing television programs, she actively leads ROS in awareness and educational conferences around the world.

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Yvette Isaac

Dr. Isaac’s commitment to the Arab world has resulted in numerous relief and community outreach, including distribution of humanitarian and medical supplies to Syrian and Iraqi refugees, as well as underprivileged Egyptians. ROS sends short-term relief teams to areas suffering from natural disasters with emergency medical and psychiatric care, disability aid, and restoration to women whose bodily integrity has been sacrificed in the name of tradition.

With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Yvette Isaac brings a wealth of expertise in diverse fields including television, communications, public relations, humanitarianism, and counseling. She obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Cairo University in Egypt, and her honorary Doctorate Degree of Human Letters in the United States.
She helped found The Healing Channel, an Arabic television network, as well as her own weekly TV show, “Maraa Fadela” (“Virtuous Woman”). Dr. Isaac has also founded a two-hour TV program called “From Heart to Heart,” which airs on ten satellites around the world.
She has made guest appearances on a variety of TV programs, including, Fox News, NBC, “90 Minutes”, “Good Morning Egypt”, and the Dream 2 Network, the leading Arabic secular satellite station; “Ten O’clock at Night”, hosted by Mona Alshazli, and on a Syrian television show called “Awlad El Balad”.

Dr. Isaac has high profile connections with officials and leaders including social and religious leaders. in the Middle East, the United States, and Europe. Such officials include the Highest Orthodox Pope of Egypt, the head of Protestant churches, and Grand Imam of Al Azhar. Dr. Isaac also has personal connections to several Royal Families and Ambassadors from Arab countries, film producers, mayors and members of the United States House and Senate.

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    Diana Youssef

    Media Director and Operation Manager
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    Josephine Sedra

    Egypt Project Coordinator
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    Victor Isaac

    TV Programs Producer and Technical Director
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    Bassem Adel

    Global Humanitarian Shipments Director
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    Sadiq Dilan

    Iraq Project Coordinator
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    Ekhlas Bajoo

    Ambassador of Hope
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    Bashar Cholagh

    Accountant Kurdistan Branch
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    Turkiya Ali

    Tech Over Trauma Admin Iraq
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    Zarif Shehata

    Office Clerk
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    Sandy Paul

    Human Relations
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    Eduardo Ekman


Roads of Success

Friends and Partners

  • His Holiness Pope of the Coptic Church, Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria
  • Hungary Helps Organization
  • His Royal Highness, Prince Mired Raad El-Hussein of Jordan
  • The Independent Commission For Human Rights- Kurdistan, Iraq
  • UK’s Foreign & Commonwealth Office Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative
  • UK Government’s Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative (PSVI) Office and Freedom of Religion or Belief Office 
  • Pepperdine School of Law’s Sudreau Global Justice Institute
  • Nadine Maenza, President if the International Religious Freedom Secretariat and Former Chair of the United States Commission for International Religious Freedom
  • U.S. Air Force Denton Program
  • Directorate General of Health- Dohuk, Iraq
  • The Evangelical Churches of Egypt
  • Assemblies of God Churches in Egypt, Pastor Nasser Katkout
  • Former Chairman of the U.S. Congressional Foreign
  • Affairs Committee, Congressman Ed Royce
  • San Diego County Supervisor Ron Roberts
  • San Diego Sheriff’s Department
  • Former San Diego City Attorney Jan Goldsmith
  • Nick Vujicic, President of Life Without Limbs
  • Attitude is Altitude
  • Joni and Friends
  • Padres, San Deigo
  • Pastor Che Ahn, Harvest Rock Church
  • Cindy Jacobs, Generals International
  • Women of the Frontlines, Patricia King
  • Ekklesia Everywhere, Dr. Ed Silvoso
  • Pastor Mark Foreman, North Coast Calvary Chapel
  • Agape International under the leadership of Pastor Ernest Chen
  • Peacemaker
  • Alkarma TV network
  • Noursat TV network
  • Shady Abadir, International House of prayer IHOP-KC
  • Pastor Jimmy Tam, LA Sunrise House of prayer
  • Madinet Nasr Evangelical Church, Pastor Ezzat Shaker
  • Neighborhood Market Association
  • Religious Liberty Partnership